Shift swap request validation rules

Use any of these rules to set conditions that you want validated in shift Work period in WFM that has a definite length. swap requests.

  • Both employees are from the same organization. This rule is violated if employees are assigned to different organizations.

  • Both employees are from the same campaign Collection of scheduling periods in WFM, which are defined time periods where specific employees target specific workloads.. This rule is violated if both shifts in a swap do not belong to the same campaign. They can be in different campaign weeks.

  • Both employees have the same skills for the active campaign queue Entity that represents demand in WFM. Queues help predict workload by multiplying the volume of customer interactions by their expected handling time.. This rule is violated if the receiving employee does not have the same skills as the employee currently scheduled to work the shift.

  • Both employees have at least same skills for the active campaign queue. This rule is violated if the receiving employee does not have at least the same skills as the employee currently scheduled to work the shift. Receiving employees with additional skills will not cause a violation.

  • Both employees have the required skills to work the swapped shifts. This rule is violated if the employee or employees receiving a shift or partial shift do not have the required skills for the activities during that shift or partial shift.

    • One-way shift swap: When the employee receiving the shift does not have the skills to work all activities in the shift, this rule is violated.

    • Two-way shift swap: When a minimum of one of the two employees receiving a shift does not have the skills to work all activities in the shift, this rule is violated.

    • One-way partial shift swap: When the employee receiving the partial shift does not have the skills to work all activities in that partial shift, this rule is violated.

    • Two-way partial shift swap: When a minimum of one of the two employees receiving a partial shift does not have the skills to work all activities in that partial shift, this rule is violated.

  • Both employees have the same proficiencies for the active campaign queue. This rule is violated if the receiving employee does not have the same skills and proficiencies as the employee currently scheduled to work the shift.

  • Request complies with filing rules. This rule is violated if the request submittal date violates any of the filing rules applicable to the employee’s organization.

  • Both employees comply with min/max hours. This rule is violated if, after the swap, at least one of the employees will not comply with the min/max hours during the corresponding week(s) of the shift they get and the shift they give away in the swap.

  • Swapped shifts start on the same organization week. This rule is violated if the swapped shifts do not fall in the same organization week.

  • Swapped shifts have the same paid hours. This rule is violated if the total duration of paid time in the two shifts is different.

  • Swapped shifts must overlap the exact same portion with scheduled calendar events and time offs, and not overlap unavailabilities. This rule is violated if the following events occur:

    • Calendar events, which may or may not be inside a shift, do not overlap the same portion of the swapped-in shift.

    • Time off events, which may or may not be inside a shift, do not overlap the same portion of the swapped-in shift.

    • Any unavailability type event will overlap with the swapped shifts as the result of the swap.

  • Swapped shifts will overlap scheduled calendar events that must occur during a shift. This rule is violated if calendar events, which have to be inside a shift, fall outside shifts as the result of the swap.

  • Partial Shift Swap: Minimum duration of the shift that can be swapped: <number>Percent or Minutes. This rule is violated if the duration of the swapped shift is less than the specified duration.

  • Partial Shift Swap: Minimum duration of the shift to leave after pickup: <number>Percent or Minutes. This rule is violated if the remaining shift duration after the swap is less than the specified duration.

  • Maximum paid duration allowed: <number> minutes per <Organization Day or 24 Hour Period>. This rule is violated if the request causes the paid duration to exceed the user-defined duration allowed for the selected period. Shift length is not considered; however, all paid hours during the selected period are considered. For the paid duration calculation, only paid hours are counted. Shift work (normal shifts, overtime, overtime extension) and time off are counted as paid hours. Flex time off segments are not counted as paid hours.

    For the reference period that defines the day, select from the following options:

    • Organization Day: If all employees only have shifts that start and end in the organization day boundary, use this option.

      During validation, the duration calculation uses the time period defined for the organization day. The organization day is defined on the Organization Setting page (located on the Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface. menu, under Hierarchies). If the maximum paid duration threshold is exceeded, an alert is generated.

    • 24 Hour Period: If any employees have shifts that cross the organization day boundary (shift starts on one day and ends on another day), use this option.

      During validation, the duration calculation uses a sliding 24-hour window that increments by 15 minutes. The sliding window begins 24 hours + 15 minutes before the request start time and stops at 24 hours - 15 minutes after the request end time. If the maximum paid duration threshold is exceeded in a 24-hour window, the rule is violated. No more 24-hour windows are checked, and an alert is generated.

  • Partial Shift Swap: Activities that cannot be included in the swap: <activity Core component of both schedules and time records in Workforce Management (WFM). When an employee performs any kind of work, activities specify the scheduled work and capture employee adherence to their schedule. name(s) from drop-down>. This rule is violated if the swap includes any of the specified activities.

  • Gap should be between <number> and <number> minutes, or at least <number> minutes. This rule is violated if the gap created as a result of the swap is outside the specified range, or if the gap is less than the specified duration. If both the range and the minimum are specified, the rule will be violated only if both the conditions are violated.

  • Maximum overlap with an existing shift:<number> minutes. This rule is violated if the overlap with an existing shift caused due to the swap is greater than the specified duration.

  • Maximum consecutive working days allowed as per organization Settings. This rule is violated if the maximum consecutive working days limit is exceeded.

    This rule only checks the start of shifts (not the end dates).

    The Maximum consecutive working days to schedule set on the Organization Settings page. under the Scheduler Options section. This page is located on Organization Management, under Hierarchies. For example, if the maximum consecutive working days count is set to three, and Employee A is requesting a one-way shift swap from 4/1 to 14/1 then the rule would validate if this shift swap would violate the maximum consecutive working day count for shifts from 1/1 to 1/17, and for the period 1/11 to 1/17.

  • Minimum required time gap between consecutive shifts as per organization Settings.

    This rule is violated if the minimum time between the end of a first shift and the start of the next shift for all types of shift swap requests is not met.

    The Minimum time between shift assignments is set on the Organization Settings page. under the Scheduler Options section. This page is located on Organization Management, under Hierarchies.

  • Maximum number of <number> one-way shift swap requests per<Month or Quarter>. This rule is violated if the number of one-way shift swaps requested exceeds the maximum number of one-way shift swap requests allowed per month or quarter.

    When this rule is selected for an employee's organization, the One Way Shift Swap section is available on the following pages:

    • Time Summary: This page is located on Tracking, under Roster.

    • My Schedule Summary: This page is located on My Home, under My Schedule.)

      This rule does not count a swap against the one-way swap limit if the employee picks up another shift on the day that was previouly given away.

  • Maximum number of approved swaps for a shift <number>. This rule is violated if the shift swap requested exceeds the maximum number of shift swaps allowed per shift.

  • Partial Shift Swap: Limit number of employees involved to <number>. This rule is violated if the number of employees who can receive swaps from the same shift is exceeded. This rule is limited to partial swaps.

  • Maximum hours per day <number> with an alternate maximum hours of <number> the day after the swap when the maximum hours were reached the day before. This rule is violated if either condition one or condition two is met.

    • Condition one: Maximum hours per day <number>

      This rule condition is violated if the maximum hours per day limit is exceeded due to a shift swap (that is, an employee works a standard shift and picks up a shift from another employee).

    • Condition two: with an alternate maximum hours of <number> the day after the swap when the maximum hours were reached the day before.

      This rule condition is violated if the maximum hours in the day after a shift swap limit is exceeded after the maximum hours per day limit was reached on the previous day.

      Example of completed rule:

      Maximum hours per day 12 with an alternate maximum hours of 10 the day after the swap when the maximum hours were reached the day before.

      Example of results:

      • Condition one: If Employee A’s standard shift is 8 hours AND Employee A submits a request to pickup a 4-hour shift from Employee B on Monday, then the first condition of this rule is not violated. The maximum hours per day limit is reached, but not exceeded.

      • Condition one: If Employee C’s standard shift is 8 hours AND Employee C submits a request to pickup a 6-hour shift from Employee D on Monday, then the first condition of this rule is violated. The maximum hours per day limit is exceeded.

      • Condition two: If Employee A’s shift swap request for Monday is approved (total of 12 hours), AND Employee A submits a request to swap their 8-hour shift with Employee E’s 12-hour shift on the next day (Tuesday), then the rule is violated. The 12-hour work day on Tuesday exceeds the 10-hour limit for the day after a swap that reached the maximum hours limit per day.

  • Request complies with Required Pay Period Hours. This rule is violated if the employee’s shift swap request would cause the employee not to meet the minimum hours in a pay period.

    Tracking for the Required Pay Period Hours is set up on the Settings page. This page is located on Organization Management, under Request Management. When this setting is selected for an employee's organization, the Required Hours (balance) for Pay Period section is available on the following pages:

    • Time Summary: This page is located on Tracking, under Roster.

    • My Schedule Summary: This page is located on My Home, under My Schedule.

    One or more time-off activities must be set up to deduct from the Required Pay Period Balance. (This setting is on the Activities page, under the Request Management Usage section. This page is located on Work Administration, under Activities.

Define validation rules for shift swap requests