Define validation rules for time-off requests

Validation rules verify that requests meet the conditions that you specify. Rules can be defined for both time-off requests and approved time-off withdrawal requests. The validation rules that you set for a request type are available as criteria for auto-processing rules.

Each validation rule has an icon. When a request violates a validation rule, alert information is available on the following:

  • Employee Requests page: An alert icon is displayed. When you point to the icon, information about the validation rule violation is displayed.

  • The request details: The alert icon and information about the validation rule violation are on the details view.

Rules for time-off type

By default, time-off request validation rules are set for all time-off types (activities). When you define these rules, you can choose a different set of rules for each time-off type.

An (*) asterisk displays on the left of a rule check box when a rule applies to some, but not all, activities in an organization.

Example: All time-off activities have validation rule 1 set. Activity B has rule 1 and rule 2 set. An asterisk is displayed next to rule 2.

No changes are made to the time-off type activities associated with these rules when you save. If you want to make these rules apply to all activity types Groups of similar activities not covered by the predefined activity types in Workforce Management (WFM)., modify the Time Off Validation rule settings to remove the asterisk from them.


  1. Go to Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface.. Under Request Management, select Validation.

  2. In the left pane, select an organization.

  3. Optional: To apply validation rules to an activity Core component of both schedules and time records in Workforce Management (WFM). When an employee performs any kind of work, activities specify the scheduled work and capture employee adherence to their schedule. type, do the following:

    1. Under the Time Off Request Validation rules section, in the Time-off type list, click an activity.

    2. To add more time-off types, press Ctrl and click another activity type.

  4. To define the validation rules that you want to use.

    1. Select the check box.

    2. When needed, complete the rule values (Example: number of minutes, hours, or days).

  5. Under the Approved Time Off Withdrawal Validation rules section, select the check box.

  6. To save, do one of the following:

    • Click Save.

    • Click Save and Apply to Sub-Orgs.

VTO options request validation rules

Recommended workflow: Set up time-off requests