Import time-off allocations

To save time when you have numerous time-off allocations to enter, you can import them using a text file. When you want to create, edit, or delete individual time-off allocations, you can do it manually.

Before you begin 


  1. Go to Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface.. Under Request Management, select Time Off Pools.

  2. In the left panel, click an organization.

  3. In the Time Off Pools list, click a time-off pool and click Import.

  4. Complete the Allocated Time Off window, and click Import.

  5. Review the import results.

  6. If there are errors, update the import file and repeat Step 4 through Step 6.

  7. If needed, make other changes to the time-off pool

  8. Click Save.