Shift bidding request settings

Shift bidding request settings affect all shift bidding Feature in WFM that allows employees to submit requests (bids) for selected shift assignments. auctions created for an organization.


On the Settings page under the Shift Bidding section. This page is located on Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface., under Request Management.




Max Preference Value (1-Highest, Max-Lowest)

Specifies the maximum value that an employee can enter to indicate a shift Work period in WFM that has a definite length. bid preference.

Example: If this setting is 25, employees can enter 25 for their least preferred shift.

Preference numbers entered by employees help sort out multiple requests.

When deciding on this value, consider the following:

  • How many bids you expect employees to submit.

  • Whether you plan to use the Enforce unique preferences option.

Enforce unique preferences

If this check box is selected, duplicate preferences cannot be submitted. Requests with the status of Pending or Escalated are included in the duplicate check. Requests with the status of Withdrawn, Invalid, or Denied are excluded from the duplicate check.

Example of the workflow: After entering and saving duplicate preference numbers, the user submits the request. An error message indicates that duplicate preference numbers exist and the preferences must be corrected before the request can be submitted.

Max Bids Per Employee

Determines the maximum number of bids an employee can submit in one scheduled auction (usually a week).

If enabled, the following scoring factors can be used in an auction:

If you create a scheduled auction for a specific week, you can specify that the scoring factors are taking in to account when prioritizing shift bidding requests.

If scoring is used in an auction, the score is calculated as follows:

<Seniority Factor> * <number of months in the company> + <Rank factor> * <Max Rank - Employee Rank> + <Bonus factor> * <total accumulated and assigned bonus>

If you do not want to use a particular factor in your scoring, set it to zero (0).

Seniority scoring factor

Number of months the employee has been employed at the company. The value is a specific numeric value X the number of months in the company.

Rank scoring factor

Employee's rank in the company. The value is a specific numeric value X (maximum rank - employee rank).

Bonus points scoring factor

Employee's bonus points in the company. The value is a specific numeric value X the current number of bonus points.

Bid Options

Filter options by employee type. If this check box is selected, the available bid option templates are based on the employee’s employee type. (Example: When the employee type is full-time, only templates for full-time employees are listed.) Employee type is assigned in User Management Module that an administrator uses to create a profile for each employee in their organization. when the employee’s profile is created.

  • If you submit a bid for an employee, the Bid Options page lists only the templates available to the selected employee based on their employee type. This page is located on Request Management, under Schedule Options.

  • For employees: My Bid Options page lists only the templates available to them based on their employee type. This page is listed on My Home, under My Requests.

Display template description column. When this check box is selected, a Description column is available.

  • The column is available on the Schedules page. This page is located on Request Management, under Schedule Auctions. For individual auctions, a maximum of 50 characters can be entered to provide additional information about a schedule template.

  • For employees: The column is available for view on the My Bid Options page. This page is located on My Home, under My Requests.

Define settings for shift bidding requests