Shift request & changes filing rule settings

Use these settings to create a filing rule for shift Work period in WFM that has a definite length. requests & changes.


These settings are on the Filing Rules page when the selected request type is Shift Request & Change. This page is on Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface., under Request Management.




Shift Requests and Changes affected by this rule

Specifies which types of regular and overtime requests are affected.

Requested Dates

Specifies which requests are affected based on the request date:

  • All requests of this type (default setting)

  • For (limited to requests that start between a specific date and time range)

Request must be filed

Two settings with multiple options are available.

  • Use the first setting to create a rule that a request must be submitted on, before, or after a specific date and time.

  • Use the second setting to create a rule that controls whether a request can be made for dates that occur in the future or the past and specify the time period for the requested dates:

    • If you want to allow requests for future dates and want to limit the time period of the requested future dates, then create an in advance rule that specifies the time period the request dates must occur in.

    • If you want to allow requests for past dates and want to limit the time period of the requested past dates, then create an in the past rule that specifies the time period the request dates must occur in.

    • If you do not want to allow requests for any dates in the past, then create an in the past rule and specify zero days.

Apply to sub-orgs

Specifies whether this rule applies only to the organization or to the organization and its suborganizations.

Create a filing rule for shift requests & changes