Special days import file

When you have numerous special days Feature in WFM that allows administrators to assign time intervals in employee schedules with a special setting to indicate paid time off (such as holidays). to define, you can import them using a text file.

When you want to create, edit, or delete a few special days, you can do it manually.

Import file format

  • Use a column delimiter such as tab, comma, or semicolon.

  • Start each special day on a new line.

  • Convert other file formats such as Microsoft Excel to text files before importing them.

  • Create the text (.txt) file using the following format:

    <special day> <start date> <start time> <end date> <end time> <organization scope> <type> <time off pool Group of employees in WFM to which time off is allocated.>


    • <special day> specifies the name of the special day.

    • <start date> specifies the first date of the special day in your regional date format (month, day, and year).

    • <start time> specifies the start time in your regional time format.

    • <end date> specifies the last date of the special day in your regional date format (month, day, and year). For a single day, use the same day for both the Start and End dates.

    • <end time> specifies the end time in your regional time format.

    • <organization scope> specifies the organization the special day applies to. Values are:

      • For apply to this org only - thisOrgOnly

      • For apply to sub-orgs (no override) - subOrgNoOverride

    • <type> specifies the type of special day. Values are:

      • For a No Time Off Allowed day- NoTimeOff

      • For a Non-working Holiday - NonWorking

      • For a Working Holiday - Working

    • <time off pool> optional. When you want the special day added to a single pool, add the pool name. When blank, the special day is added to all time off pools in an organization.

Error handling

  • Duplicate rows are not imported, and the import fails.

  • The End Date must be the same or later than the Start Date.

  • The End Time must be larger than the Start Time

Import special days

Create a special day