Time-Off Pools page

Use time-off pools to manage the amount of time that employees can take off in a specific time period.



Time Off Pools Details section

Organization Name

Read only.


Name of time-off pool.


Optional: Description of time-off pool.

Time Off Waitlist section

Enable waitlists

When selected, turns on waitlists for the time off pool Group of employees in WFM to which time off is allocated.. Pending or denied time off requests can be manually added to the waitlist.

Allow denied requests to be added to waitlist

Determines whether employees have the option to manually add eligible, denied requests to the Waitlist.

  • When selected, the Add to Waitlist action icon is available for these requests (on My Requests page).

  • When clear, the Add to Waitlist action icon is not available.

NOTE| This setting does not affect whether the Add to Waitlist action icon is available on the Employee Requests page.

Enable auto scan of waitlisted requests

When selected, waitlisted requests scans are triggered when one of the following events that cause changes in the organization's time-off pool allocated hours or employee time-off hours occur.

  • A change to the time-off pool for an organization.

  • An employee withdraws an approved time-off event.

  • A Special Day of Time Off Not Allowed is created or deleted for a date.

  • A change in the approved allocation hours of the approved time-off after the schedule has been published.

  • Any changes such as an update, addition, deletion, enabling/disabling auto-processing or auto-filing, or validation rules for time-off. (Including similar actions for the parent organization's time-off pool or organizations sharing the time-off pool allocation hours.

After a waitlist scan has been triggered, the waitlisted requests are filtered and sorted according to the date range and the organizations affected by the triggering event. Then, the auto-processing engine sequentially processes these filtered and sorted waitlisted requests for approval or denial.

Waitlist sort priorities

Available when Enable waitlists is selected.

Identifies the sort order priority for waitlists. Up to three different columns are available for sorting the waitlist requests for processing. By default, the first priority (column) is set to sort by Seniority in Ascending order. This priority can be changed, and two other priorities can be defined.

The priorities include the following:

  • Seniority: Sorts by seniority date (by how long employees have worked for their organizations). To sort by the employees who have worked the longest for their organizations, sort this priority type in Ascending order.

  • Rank: Sorts by employee rank. In your organization, if 1 indicates the highest rank, sort in Ascending order. If 1 indicates the lowest rank, sort in Descending order.

  • Submitted: Sorts by the date the request was submitted. To sort by the earliest submitted date, sort this priority type in Ascending order.

  • Days on Waitlist: Sorts by the number of days the request has been on the waitlist (1 day, 2 days, 3 days). To sort by the longest amount of time (in days) that the request has been on the waitlist, sort this priority type in Descending order.

  • Time on Waitlist: Sorts by the total amount of time on the waitlist (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours). To sort by the longest amount of time (in hours) that the request has been on the waitlist, sort this priority type in Descending order.

  • Length: Sorts by the length of the request. To sort by the longest request, sort this priority type in Descending order.

  • Hours Accounted: Sorts by the number of hours accounted for the time-off request. To sort by the greatest number of hours accounted for by the request, sort this priority type in Descending order.

Allocation Type section

(drop down list)

List includes the following options:


Based on the selected allocation type, a monthly calendar is displayed for entering the allocation hours.

  • Daily Allocations (default): Calendar is in the traditional table format with a box for each day in the month. In each box, there is a text box for typing the allocation hours.

  • Interval Allocations: Calendar is a non-traditional table format. The first column lists each day of the month. The remaining columns show each of the 24 hours in a day. When an interval time-off period has been configured for a time-off pool, it is listed in the row for that date and under the appropriate time column for the period start and end time. Three values, separated by commas, are shown in the following sequence:

    • 1 Hours Allocated

    • 2 Hours Pending

    • 3 Schedule Time Off

Create a time-off pool