Special Days setting page

Use this page to create or edit a special day for an organization.



Organization Name

(Display only)

Special Day Name

Descriptive name of the special day.


Identifies the type of special day. Choices are:

  • Non-Working Holiday (paid holiday). Employees do not need to submit a time-off request for these days.

  • Working Holiday (unpaid holiday). Employees can submit a time-off request for these days.

  • Time Off Not Allowed. Employees can submit a time-off request for these days. If a validation rule has been set up, an alert will be displayed on the request.

On the time off pool Group of employees in WFM to which time off is allocated., different colored icons indicate the types of special days Feature in WFM that allows administrators to assign time intervals in employee schedules with a special setting to indicate paid time off (such as holidays)..

On the time off calendars, different colors indicate the types of special days.

Date Range

Start date and time, and end date and time.

Apply to sub-orgs

The following two options are available:

  • Apply to this org only: The special day only applies to the organization it was created in--the owner organization.

  • Apply to sub-orgs (no overrides): This special day applies to the parent organization (owner organization) and its suborganizations. The sub-organization cannot change the special day. Only the owner organization can edit, delete, or copy it.

The Apply to sub-orgs (allow overrides) option is not available for special days.

Time Off Pool

Specifies which time off pools the special day applies to (all pools or a single pool in the selected organization).

Create a special day