Special Days list page

Use this page to manage special days Feature in WFM that allows administrators to assign time intervals in employee schedules with a special setting to indicate paid time off (such as holidays)..

From this page, you can do the following:

  • Access the special day form to create or edit a special day

  • Copy a special day to other organizations

  • Delete a special day

  • Import multiple special days using a .txt file

The view of the special days list varies based on whether you have used either the Time Off Pools page or the Time Off Calendar page during your current WFO session. Before using one of these pages in a session, the default list shows all special days for the current year. Afterward, the default list shows all special days in the last month selected on these pages.

On the top, right side of the page, the Date Range selector allows you to enter different dates for the special days list.



Special Day Name

Descriptive name of the special day.


Indicates whether the special day is a Working Holiday, Non-working Holiday, or Time Off Not Allowed day.

Start Date

Date and time the special day starts.

End Date

Date and time the special day ends.

Owner Organization

The organization that can edit, copy, or delete a special day.

The owner organization either created the day or the day was copied to it.

Apply to sub-orgs

Indicates whether the special day applies to sub-orgs or only to the organization.

Time Off Pool

Indicates whether the special day applies to all time off pools or a specific time off pool Group of employees in WFM to which time off is allocated..

Create a special day

Delete a special day