Effective Dates window: Time-Off Pool

Use this window to change the effective dates of a time-off pool or to change the time-off pool.

The top section of the page shows the history for the selected employee.

The bottom section of the page has the following fields:



Effective Dates

The starting and ending dates that assignment is effective. Choices include:

  • Update value for current period date: This value is the default option. Use this option to set the effective dates to the current period.

  • Insert value for period from date to date: Use this option to set the effective date from the beginning of the period being viewed to a specified end date.

  • Insert value from date forward: Use this option to set the effective date from the beginning of the period being viewed with no specified end date.

Time Off Pool

List of available time-off pools.

Assign employees to a time-off pool and allocate time-off hours