Add a reference schedule for one or more employees

A reference schedule is either a past, present, or future one-week schedule period that represents a typical work week for an employee. Select a reference schedule for the employees in an organization when you want requests outside a published scheduled to use the reference schedule instead of default hours.

Requests for activities using interval allocations in a time off pool Group of employees in WFM to which time off is allocated. require either a published schedule or a reference schedule to determine the time frame for available hours. If you use an interval time off pool for future activities that occur when the employee does not have a published schedule, you must select a reference schedule for the employees in that organization.

Recalculation of time-off requests applies to daily defaults

When a time-off request has been approved in a period with unpublished shifts, and the accounted hours are calculated from the default daily hours, a change in scheduling, employee daily defaults, or other factors might trigger a recalculation of the accounted hours for the request.

If the newly calculated hours differ from the original calculated hours, the system attempts to retain the original total hours by adding or subtracting hours from the request, starting with the last day in the request. This adjustment, or recalculation, is only made for requests or events that use daily defaults.

This adjustment is not made for requests or events that calculate accounted hours using reference schedules. Instead, the latest calculated hours are used. In addition, the recalculation only applies to events in an unpublished scheduling period when the Time Off Hours type is set to Use my time off hours to schedule my absence.


  1. Go to User Management Module that an administrator uses to create a profile for each employee in their organization.. Under Employees, select Time Off.

  2. In the selection and filter panel on the left, select one or more employees.

  3. In the workspace Area within an application window where the user interacts with the program., under the Reference Schedule section, select the pencil icon.

  4. On the Effective Dates window, select the effective dates, and select the Reference Schedule icon.

  5. On the Scheduling Period Selector window, select a campaign Collection of scheduling periods in WFM, which are defined time periods where specific employees target specific workloads. and a schedule period.

  6. Select Set.

    The Time Off page is displayed with the selected reference schedule. When multiple employees were selected and have the same schedule period, the value is displayed. When the schedule period is not the same for all selected employees, a series of asterisks are displayed in the Start Date box.

  7. Select Save.

Delete a reference schedule for one or more employees

Time-off pools overview